FICTION & Essays

The AustraliaN | Dzanc Books (2017)


"This city is a simulacrum,” says Luc, ignoring the Australian’s hand and tossing his skinned apple into a nearby trash bin. "It is an artificial representation of an idea, a nightmare that we pretend is a memory—that we tell ourselves is a reality. A copy of a copy of a thing that never existed. Tell me something." He finally looks at the Australian. "Do you think this city should be here? Would you cry if it burned to the ground?"

The Australian isn’t sure what is expected of him, but he nods vigorously.

"Of course you would, " Luc continues. "You would cry, you would weep like a child whose ice cream fell into the sand on a hot summer day at the beach. That does not surprise me, not at all. Do you know why you would cry?"

"Because it would be a huge tragedy?" He senses he is over his head. But although Luc terrifies him, he is eager for him to proceed.

"No," says Luc, staring off into the distance, where a swatch of city skyline rises up beyond the trees. "You would cry because you believe in this city—the buildings, the subways, this fence, that jungle gym. When you see a water fountain, you think, ‘That is something I must walk around.’ When you see a parking meter, you think, ‘That is something I need to avoid.’ Do you know what that makes you?"

"No," says the Australian, suddenly very self-conscious about his spandex shorts and considering the possibility that he is in the presence of genius.

"It makes you part of the simulacrum," says Luc. "That is what I’m here to fix."

Greyhounds: STories | Santa Fe Writers Project (coming June 3rd, 2025)

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“Let This Be Familiar,” Against Death: 35 Essays on Living (Ed. Elee Kraljii Gardiner)

  • Anvil Press, 2019

  • Buy: Paperback

  • Also available from your favorite local bookstore, Indiebound, Powell’s online, Amazon, etc.

“The Sun,” Not That Bad: Dispatches From Rape Culture (Ed. Roxane Gay)

  • Harper Collins, 2018

  • Buy: PaperbackAudiobook ~ Ebook

  • Also available from your favorite local bookstore, Indiebound, Powell’s online, Amazon, Audible, etc.


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